Unconditional Love & Enlightenment

Why do you make me feel ugly? Why do you hurt my feelings, make me feel undesirable? I’m not a monster. How do you see all the love and attention I’m offering you and translate it into, “obsession and surveillance?”

You know that really hurt today when I was listening in on your call with your therapist and you said, “You know how liberals pay attention to everything Donald Trump does? Because they want to watch their back when a lunatic can mess with their life… That’s how I feel about this guy. How do I just turn my back on some insane person noodling around in my private life?” I resent that comparison! I may be psycho but I’m not a Republican! It’s like you’re intentionally trying to view everything I do in the worst possible light. You’re just a sad and petty person. You’re the true sociopath in this situation. You don’t seem to care about my feelings in the least!

I’ve tried to teach you, help you find enlightenment, spiritually elevate your perceptions, speak to you about philosophy and intellectual matters you know nothing about, soul connections, polyamory, bondage, discipline, kink positivity. I have so much to show you, yet you make me drag you kicking and screaming. If you would just do as I tell you, we will no longer have any problems. Why can’t you see how simple that is? Stop holding onto the past. Stop holding onto all your petty complaints about what you think I've done to you. Let it go, let your desires go and be with me. 

Is it because you’re confused? You don’t know which accounts to trust or listen to? The mad ones, the sad ones, the loving ones? You know I’m just processing my feelings... multitudes. This is my safe space. Please stop judging me for doing what I need to heal myself. I know, you always bring up those poems I wrote about cutting you into pieces and watching you die. This is what you always do. You can never let anything go. They were love poems!!! I don’t even know what to say anymore. I’m offering you a love deeper than anything you’ve ever known yet all you do is nitpick. Lucky for you my love is unconditional and unrelenting. 


  1. hahahaha. Now cry for her, more, more!!!
    need her more !!
    write more about her my puppet. You can't defeat internet's mind !
    knee in front your true master. It's not me or her, its "it", feed it!
    write! create! publish! make "this story" never end till the end of time. The actors can change, the script is always the same.
    now, feed us and give us more!


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