Today I am tired

Tired of this disgusting situation that’s always playing on a loop. Tired of dealing with a person who only acknowledges and cares about their own desires. Tired of the justifications and excuses. Tired of your selfishness. Tired of the lies. Tired of wasting my time on things far less worthy than whatever else I could be doing if I weren’t being forced into a situation someone else has chosen for me. Ha… It’s incredible, as I type this, I can hear your voice in my mind saying the exact same thing to me. Who is the one who has it all wrong? I’m pointing at you. You’re pointing at me.

Obviously, we both know you’re the one who is wrong, you’re just too stubborn and ego driven to admit it. I can’t believe you would seriously endeavor to ruin my life and all the lives of my helpers just so you can have the “truth” and no longer feel like you’re being harassed and  watched 24/7. You know my helpers have families and lives, right? What do you have, cats? Oh sure, you argue, but they made their choice to participate in my campaign against you knowing full well they were destroying your life and mental health, so why should you show mercy on them now? You would trade all their lives and livelihoods just for your broken and pathetic life? Let their children live in broken homes all because you feel they need to answer for being “malicious?” Because if they would do it to you, they will do it to anyone else? That’s how you feel? You’re wrong of course, but I’m too tired to continue explaining to the brick wall that you’re dragging around and using as a poor excuse for a brain.

UHHHHHHGH. Just Ugh woman. Wake the eff up. You are a prop to be used as seen fit by those of a higher status and standing in the world. That is the way this works. Stop struggling. Just lie back and enjoy the ride.
