“The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.”

It’s part of the reason I have no fear of speaking openly about what I’m doing to you. When I write about it publicly everyone either says it’s an obviously made-up story that could never be true, or the other half (based on reddit comments and DMs, at least) seem to think what I’m doing is romantic and say you most likely love the attention and are just waiting for me to reveal my true identity and show up in your real life so we can be married. They’re rooting for us to be together. It’s very sweet.

I do get a lot of support from the public, whether intentionally or through a bored disinterest in what happens to anyone that isn’t them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re interested in as far as it’s entertaining for them to think about for 10 minutes while wasting time on the internet at work, but beyond that they don’t really care if there’s a real woman on the other side of this story, suffering from my actions. As a man I conduct myself with authority, so I don’t catch too much flack for the whole thing, but I have stayed glued to the comments and public outrage every time you try telling the story, whooo boy. That’s some good stuff.

When I tell it people wanna know how, why, what was my childhood like, how do I feel inside. It’s all very loving, makes me feel seen and considered for my individuality and talents. When you tell it, pretty much straight out of the gate there is the blanket statement accepted by all that you’re batshit crazy, delusional, attention seeking and have probably encouraged me to do it in the first place. Every statement you make is questioned as if you were on trial for the crime yourself and you are expected to explain with precision how I’ve done what I’ve done and gotten away with it, even though of course you wouldn’t know that because you weren’t there and you are not a criminal mastermind. But you not knowing how I’ve done it just becomes more proof in favor of the idea that you are in fact lying and/or out of your mind. This is wonderful for me to watch. Even still, you always trudge forward. You are a fighter. I guess that’s a lesson you learned in your family. Of course, no one cares or asks about your feelings or history, it’s insignificant to the narrative that you’re just flat out wrong. You’re the one here making problems by simply speaking them into existence. Me doing these things is not the issue, it’s the fact that you always want to talk about it. You can never let it go. Why are you always brining drama? You’re never going to change the world, babe, and I’ve got this game on lock.

"We naturally use a philosophy of "Occam's Razor" which states that the simplest explanation is usually the best. So to make someone sound paranoid, all you have to do is come up with a sufficiently complex plan of harassment and the majority of people's disbelief of that event will be sufficient not to act or care about it. If you study the psychology of people like psychological operations and the CIA do, you can predict with a certain degree of accuracy what that person will believe given certain facts."

~ Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan
