You’re scary too, you know?

Remember the first time you got really mad, or publicly mad I guess I should say? When you posted all that identifying information about me and my friends online, linking to their social media and leaving hints about how interested parties could find their addresses if they wanted to investigate the situation… Technically you didn’t doxx them, but if anyone cared to do a little leg work on their own they would have had the addresses for all parties involved in helping my game with you move along. I know, you were sick of feeling preyed upon. You wanted them to have a taste of their own medicine, I suppose. What does it feel like to have someone who hates them knowing their addresses? Does that person plan to use it? Will their anger escalate? Will they do something crazy or dangerous? Now the playing field was leveling a bit. But we’re still rich and you’re still poor, so it didn’t level that much.

I know, it was weird right, how a month after you did that each and every one of them sold their million-dollar homes and moved thousands of miles away, some even heading to Europe! Was that just a coincidence or was that a group of guilty people trying to cover their own asses?? I guess that’s one of our little shared pieces of history that will remain a mystery until you finally figure it out. Because you still are trying to figure it out, I see.

We’re not all rich. My Brother’s ex-wife is certainly not. She was only involved a little, you wouldn’t try to mess with her, would you? She spent a lot of money moving to the opposite coast, so I think she’s paid the price for her involvement, no? Show some mercy. 

Anyway, doesn’t matter, as soon as you get online and start telling the “truth” I start spinning up the opposite dialogue about how obsessed you are with me, you love our game, you’re just as much at fault as me or any of my fancy friends. Don’t you see all the comments on my reddit posts saying how everyone thinks you want to marry me, and you are actually hoping I’ll finally come for you in real life? So, give it a rest already, everyone agrees with how I see it.
