False Flagging and Silencing Techniques

One of the things I like to do when you start telling your side of the story is to first discredit you, then silence you. It’s weird how you can claim to love someone more than life itself and say you only want the best for them but if your ego or reputation are threatened when they tell the truth about what you’re doing you won’t hesitate to take them down in any way you see fit. And by “you” I mean me. I contain multitudes! I’m also a fundamentally abusive person and this kind of thing is my M.O. For years it was so covert that I was unaware of it myself, but then you came along and started pointing it out over and over and now I’ve made peace with it. At first, I was in major denial about it, I see myself as a kind and loving person which is in direct opposition to the way you’re constantly describing me. Now I realize I’m just looking out for number one, as we all need to do, and if you want to put yourself in harm’s way by trying to “defend” yourself then you’re really just asking for it. I don’t feel sorry for you.

You know it’s a losing game for you to post anything against me online, right? That’s my domain and you don’t have the resources or money to battle against the digital network I have set up with my thousands of accounts and the troll farm in Asia. Why waste your time telling your “truth” when you know I’ll just flag your posts as harassment  against me and the auto mods will have it removed without even looking at it? Don’t you have better ways to spend your time? Find some hobbies instead of always obsessing over what I’m doing. For real woman!

I’m just constantly amazed how you can deny our connection. I KNOW you feel it, too. I can hear your thoughts. I can feel your feelings. There’s no way something so strong isn’t real. So stop resisting our love and drop the BS legal jargon about felonies and civil rights and start loving me the way I want you to. You’re only hurting yourself and wasting time we could be spending together by resisting. Just come be with me and stop all the nonsense.
