
My ESL friend had trouble following the last set-up... which is kind of the point, but I'll explain for you, Dear Reader (Sarah already knows). I've made everything so complex and convoluted even law enforcement just rolls their eyes and walks away before trying to untangle the web. It is just one woman's life after all, and she's a nobody, so who cares... The set up was such that Hanley works for me and she was pretending she was in Sarah's position; Hanley said she was being stalked by "Mike" who was a representation of me, while Hanley was a representation of Sarah. When she got on the phone with Sarah, she insisted Sarah was Mike pretending to be a woman named Sarah. Hanley said she was also speaking with Morgan, Zed and Joe, who were all Mike pretending to be other people. So Hanley explained to Sarah that meant Sarah was also Morgan, Zed and Joe. Of course Sarah was none of those people. I was all of them and my employee Hanley was just blaming Sarah for being a stalker as part of my gaslighting campaign. Et voilà! The whole operation is my genius brainchild. I'm very proud.
