Love Your Neighbor

It’s a relief no one cares about women. It’s the reason I've been able to do what I’m doing for so long, unfettered by the anxiety of being caught or a sense of guilt over causing harm. Yes, it can be argued that I am a sociopath or narcissist or whatever new armchair diagnosis is trending in popular culture at the moment, but all of society is complicit with me in what I’ve been doing. The ideas and behaviors I act on and act out are all part of our collective unconscious. I didn’t create them. They’re part of you, too. Just because I say the quiet part out loud and you turn your heads and close your mouths to feign disgust and ignorance does not absolve you of your sins. You‘ve enabled me. So, stop pointing your fingers of judgement and shame at me for speaking my truths here. You made me what I am, now you judge me for it? 

It's not just me. I read her emails from the detectives, listened to her calls with the investigators. They clearly saw her as a waste of time. No money involved, no diamonds gone missing, no men wronged, no big heist to expose, bringing clout and notoriety to whomever cracks the case. Just some women’s feelings, more like hysterics. C’mon! We all have feelings. Why would one person’s ever matter in the sludge of this humanity all around us? Sure, I’ve heard all the arguments about how all these small hurts add up to amount to something larger than the sum of their parts, a scar on the face of humanity, the Pain Body as Eckhart Tolle describes it. I mean really, so what? Pearl clutching and over-intellectualizing meaningless crap so you can feel you hold significance in this world. We are all just cockroaches under the boot of Father Time. You are not special. Neither am I. The difference between us is that I’m aware of the fact and don’t waste my time virtue signaling when I can be out there pursuing my interests.

Oh right, right, what about justice and laws and being civilized? We must follow a code of conduct in order for us all to survive in a world that’s packed to the gills with people, right? Without rules we’d all be ripping our neighbors' heads off and having them for dinner any time we got sick of listening to their lawn mowers, yes? Maybe we need to let the animals we truly are shine through? Maybe I’m simply of a higher consciousness because I allow myself to act on my animal urges without restraint? I’m honoring who we truly are as a species, meanwhile all you sheeple be out there watching Netflix and chill. Don’t you see how you’re being controlled and sedated? Good luck in your lives. I’m gonna be out here doing me and getting away with it while you relax in your Lazy Boy. Peace Out.
