Not taking requests

I’ve been getting reader requests. Ha, fans… a blessing and a curse, am I right? Here’s the thing, Dear Reader, this is a diary. It’s here for me, not you. It’s part of my cathartic process, to tell my story. I’ve invited you to join me because as a voyeur I can appreciate that people do enjoy having a peek into the lives and minds of others, especially when it’s deranged. I’m also an exhibitionist and I want credit for the genius of this machine I’ve designed. The motivations are many, but the story is true and I’m not making up sensational plot twists just for your entertainment. People hear “sociopath” and they think murder. They want all the gory details for a dopamine hit, distraction from the endless loop of the hamster wheel that is their life. Sorry, but as of yet there have been no murders. I’ll keep you posted. If you’re feeling discontented with simply coming along for the ride while I untangle the knots in my brain then go buy a Hannibal Lecter book. I’m not begging you to be here.

However, the requests for sex and violence in my writing does beg the question; what makes a story compelling? There are some universally agreed upon techniques to creating a good story, of course but the details of the answer will be different for everyone. Some like a simple telling of people relating in everyday ways with an anecdote or two about how to live a good life at the end. Some want a rush, thus the requests I’m getting. Others like an opportunity to feel justified moral outrage. It’s always nice to feel superior! Then there are the psychologically bendy type stories, that can be very curiosity driven and intellectually engaging (one of my favorites is The Moustache by Emmanuel Carrère). There are so many options when it comes to theme and storyline! I do feel this story includes dashes of all these ingredients. What this story is missing, is resolution and closure. This is maddening for Sarah as well as for some of you, it seems.

The problem is, I’m not ready to end this. Sarah has begged, bargained, bribed, cried, threatened, and raged trying to get resolution and closure, to no avail. I’m getting something out of this that I’m not willing to give up. My hand will not be forced for the sake of your entertainment or her civil rights. Now if Netflix wants to approach me and buy the story rights I might consider adding in an extra plot twist or two and creating an “ending” we can all enjoy. That would have to be negotiated, of course. If you’re out there reading Netflix, get in touch.
