I'm your master

Playing games with people’s emotions is the only sure way to ever feel secure and stable in a relationship. Case in point, we have cultural phenomena like the book “The Game” that teaches guys how to neg women to keep the upper hand and then the sort of updated version of that is “The Dread Game” that systematically psychologically exploits the liminal space between want and a fear of losing. This is something that I’ve always unconsciously done in my relationships. I never fully understood it until I joined a bunch of incel subreddits and started reading things about how to gamify the dynamic. Once I started comparing strategy with other people using well established tactics, my game took off. Never have I felt so powerful until I did a deep dive into the psychology and mastered the techniques.

In a “normal” relationship (mostly with women) you’re supposed to woo them and spend all kinds of time processing their feelings with them like you’re some kind of PhD therapist who spent years giving a fuck about why people have feelings and sometimes the feelings are bad feelings. Because life sucks, that’s why! And feelings are irrational and nonsensical! This is not a mystery. Stop wasting your time on garbage. Why bother with all that endless crap? Ultimately in a relationship, it’s going to be one person on top and one on the bottom, so skip all the BS feelings talk, play “the game” the right way and get the other person in a headlock before they have a chance to get the upper hand and beat you into submission, yes?

In my experience that’s the best way. I will not be swayed by conventional wisdom because I’ve spent way more time than I wanna with conventional people and you all are donkeys. Just sayin’. Sorry, not sorry.
