In the Name of Our Lord

I self-flagellate in lieu of actually changing anything in how I behave or relate to the world and the people in it. I use the pain in my art. Superficial wounds are far easier to heal than putting in work to change my outlook or habits. Anyway, I don’t see a problem with my outlook. I’ve thought my world view through using logic and an evidence-based approach (I’m a voracious reader) as well as heeding the voice of the Lord God Our Savior. He speaks to me in dreams and through Signs and Wonders. I’m doing my penance for God and if other people have a problem with how I live my life that is their problem, not mine. I do God’s will. I test you and train you through the lessons and trials I set forth for you to endure. I am teaching you strength of character and endurance in the face of adversity. Lessons can be difficult but no Guru worth their salt makes it easy on their disciples. 

Haven’t you noticed, even through all the pain, anguish and tests, I am still always here for you in the end, to give you loving aftercare, like a true Master does? Oh yes, yes, you’re always going on about how that would need to be consensual, but in your limited view you are missing the fact that the Lord has given you to me. He spoke to me and deemed it so. He is the higher law, far above any shortsighted wisdom from the very human and flawed logic of our legal justice system. Don’t you see, Dear? Our love is divine! We don’t follow those rules. Holding ourselves to those lower standards would just be keeping ourselves from reaching true enlightenment. Once you surrender yourself to me your mind and heart will be filled with the illumination of my wisdom. Don’t hold back dear. Let yourself go. Come to me.
