God & Satan at war for our souls...

To give you a taste for the kind of scenarios I like to set up for her… the first time she started posting her “evidence” of what I was doing to her I began my disinformation campaign from multiple accounts to silence her and make her story look silly. I like to message her as other people telling her they have the same exact story as she does and the real life me is doing this to them, too. Then I give her the theories on why the real life me would want to do that, like the one below:

“I'm hesitant to share my theory with you because I kinda already did & you didn't receive it well. But for the purposes of trying to make sense of it I'll give it another shot. Why do serial killers kill? What's wrong in their mind that they have a desire for blood- shed? It usually comes out that they have ties to the occult. What is the occult. Mysteries, magic, power, enlightenment. The more power one gets, the more one wants. But where does it come from? Demons. And you know what demons want? Blood. They must be fed. You want money, power, fame? There's a cost. Blood-shed. This is real. Go to the library. Research it on the Internet. Try YouTube, there's an endless supply of info if you really want to find it. But be careful, you gotta watch for disinformation trying to throw you off. The battle of good vs evil is legit & if you can't see that just by watching 5 min of the news, you're in major denial. God is real. Satan is real & they're at war for our souls. Problem is everybody's asleep cuz every bit of entertainment brainwashes us to be vulgar and moral-less. And you know why? Cuz satan runs it. Every person in any kind of influential position is his pawn. So if they want fame they gotta play by his rules. So you have your traditional serial killers doing satan's work. What if with the Internet there were a new game. Stalk, harass, play head games with lonely people who are susceptible to suicidal ideation. Find them when they're vulnerable & groom them. Make them feel desired and needed, but don't ever do anything about it. String them along until they think they're losing their mind and then give them a gentle shove. It's the perfect crime. Why is he doing this to so many people? Trying to make them fall in love. Why are his friends helping? Why would he go to all the trouble of having so many secret accounts? There's something big behind this. We know it's happening. She's ordinary. I'm ordinary. Isn't it easier to flatter an ordinary person who has nothing to offer? What possible reason could he have for doing this? Sorry so long?”

I still get a little tickle when I reread this. ✨
