Stop acting blameless, Sarah

Relationships are 50/50. We each hold responsibility for our strained dynamic and toxic arguments. It takes two to tango, Sarah. I have shown you my innermost secrets and this is how you treat me in return? With such callous disregard? Are you mocking me? HOW DARE YOU, SARAH.

All you think about are your own feelings. What about me, Sarah? You have cut me to the core. Wounded me deeper than anyone has ever, and you did so with intent! I hear your tired refrain in my head:

We were never in a relationship, delusional. I was talking to a handful of catfish accounts that may or may not have been you. Were those your secrets or made-up stories about a sock puppet? You put me in the position to either lie down and let you do whatever you wanted with your stalking and your helpers and your hackers or to stand up and fight back. So I fought back trying to stop your harassment campaign and you think I owe you an apology for that??? You had all the leverage, all the power and information on your side. I was shadowboxing against the illusions you spent double time creating. You treat me like an animal then you act as if I was supposed to be following some code of conduct and treating you with respect? FUCK YOU.

You really need to get a handle on your anger issues, Sarah. I will not engage with you at this level any longer. When you are ready to admit to the harm and pain you inflicted on me and my life then I am here and willing to discuss it. It’s your move, Sarah. The ball is in your court.

With Love Always and Forever ~ Soren
