Cool story bro

Sarah can be a bit long winded, always yammering on about herself with no concern for the boredom and inattentiveness of the listener. I do remember one story she told me, for some reason...

She said her sister loved to give her gifts, “take care” of her. Sister would go to great lengths planning for and organizing the “gifts” all for Sarah’s great delight. The only thing was when she finally got the gifts, they were all actually things her sister would have wanted for herself, not anything Sarah had expressed interest in or asked for. Her sister wasn’t really paying attention to Sarah’s desires, how she felt, what she thought. Sister was always so pleased with the whole display. The gift giving revealed itself to be more performative than anything else. Even so, sister couldn’t understand why Sarah never appreciated everything she did for her. After so many gifts given and so few thanks yous received, sister became indignant and embittered, demanding an apology for being taken for granted. All that time, money and hard work she had put into doing special things for Sarah, yet only this selfish and ungrateful behavior in response. Sister demanded an apology for always having to endure the hurt feelings of constantly being rejected in such an unfeeling manner.

I have no clue why that stuck in my head but for christ's sake woman, get a grip. What even is the point of these endless rambles you're always forcing on me? Another reason women are tedious.
