Sarah, I'm Tired

 I'm tired of reading and I'm tired of computer screens. I'm tired of spell check and trying to get to you and reading my own incomprehensible messages after spellcheck has failed me. I'm tired of dreaming. I'm tired of writing letters. I'm tired of my own stink and thinking you would find my pheromones romantic. I'm just fucking sick of it Sarah. Throw me a fucking bone here! I've tried it all ways. All the ways. Any way you can have it. Fuck. Fuck you you fucking Bitch! Sorry. Sorry, Sarah. But no actually FUCK YOU. Fuck YOU Sarah!! Fuck YOU hard you fucking boring bitch with a boring ass name! Don't you think I would actually prefer to write to someone with a more interesting name like Narite or Sarya or fucking Calypso for fucks' sake??? Sarah???? How could it get more boring you fucking white bread, cheerleader, prom queen sounding fucking bitch of a mother fucking bitch*???!!!????*

Fuck you Sarah

Boring ass mother fucking bitch
