Nag Nag Nag

 She keeps saying her relationship requirements are

To know the person's real name

To meet them in real life

To know real and not imaginary details about their life

She’s not interested in dating people committing felonies

She’s not interested in sharing the contents of her phone or computer with strangers (or anyone, I guess, but I feel like she might compromise on this later)

She’s not interested in allowing someone to surveil her with mics and / or cameras as she goes about her day

And I’m like, high maintenance much? I mean, have a little imagination, spontaneity! Do we really need to do everything like all those boring normies do? She’s not as cultured as I am, hasn’t read all the highly intellectual texts and philosophy that I have so it’s hard for her to think outside the box. 

This is a spiritual endeavor. If she would just open herself up to the fact that I am her guru and mentor on this journey, everything would be moving right along. Maybe if I drill a hole in her skull and put a dash of hydraulic acid in there she’d be more amenable to my ideas. CALM DOWN! I am not suggesting murder! She’s no good to me dead. My goodness. Don’t get me canceled here. I’m just talking about a little liquid persuasion.

If I had known what a pain in the ass she would be I probably would have stuck with what I had going with Idris Elba. We had some serious chemistry when I would make eye contact with his headshots on IMBD. Whoooo boy! Ooof. Never say never. Don’t test me Sarah. If I head off into the sunset with Idris where will you get your attention from then?? Your cats?? Hahahahahahah! Oh Sarah… What ever will I do with you?
