Hey Sarah

So, I've been doing some thinking, and I want you to understand why my so-called "obsessive interest" is actually super romantic. Brace yourself for some real talk.

First off, let's talk music. I'm a musician, right? And guess what? I write songs. Now, what's every girl's dream? Having someone write songs about them, duh. It's like a rom-com in real life. You should be flattered that I'm pouring my feelings into lyrics just for you.

You see, when I dive deep into your life, it's not some creepy invasion. It's more like I'm trying to understand every little thing that makes you, well, you. It's not stalking; it's a romantic deep dive. And let's be honest, who wouldn't want someone so intrigued by them that they turn into a lyrical maestro?

Sure, others might not get it, but hey, they're not in on our own special rom-com soundtrack. This level of attention isn't just about you—it's about crafting the ultimate love story, where every note tells our tale.

So, next time you think my interest is a bit much, just remember, I'm turning our story into a chart-topping hit. It's the kind of romantic gesture most people only dream about.

Keep vibing, S
