Our difference in opinion

Of course I love you and would do anything for you, but asking me to openly tell the truth will just tarnish my reputation. I will do anything but that, Sarah. Do you not love me? Why would you want me to look bad in the eyes of others?? I know you think I've done that to you and worse, how silly, your reputation is but a trifle. Your life is not comparable to my own.

I've told you through my anon accounts that I intend to do better. That should be sufficient! Of course you don't know for sure if I'm still in your devices and accounts, and you can see I'm still using catfish to "harass" you, as you call it, but we need trust, Sarah!! Please, just trust my words and disregard my actions, for once dear, I'm begging!

Why must you be so vengeful? Oh sure, you call it "justice" and keep referencing "laws" I've broken and "crimes" I continue to commit... Ugh... You would really try to expose my true identity and hurt my image just because you feel your right to consent has been violated? How will we ever have a happy life together when you are unable to just let that go, Sarah? I'm feeling very concerned for our future. Once again your rigid definition of your personal "rights" is getting in the way of what could have been a romance to go down in history. I'm starting to reconsider giving you so much of my time, Sarah. It saddens me.
