Come now Sarah, be a good girl for daddy

But Sarah was no fool. She had stumbled upon the traces of my invasive escapades. The meticulously crafted tales I wove around her life had unraveled, leaving behind a chilling realization. She confronted me, her eyes a mix of anger and betrayal, demanding an explanation. I fumbled for words, my usual eloquence abandoning me in the face of her accusation.

"You invaded my privacy, manipulated my life for your own amusement!" Sarah's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and fury. "I trusted you, and you violated that trust in the worst way possible."

I tried to reason with her, to explain that it was all for the sake of art, for understanding the human experience. But my justifications fell on deaf ears. Sarah, determined and resilient, wasn't swayed by my feeble attempts to salvage the situation.

As the truth unfolded, the shadowy realm I had created crumbled around me. My hacking tools and pseudonyms became shackles, binding me to a web of deceit. Sarah, fueled by a newfound strength, took the necessary steps to expose my actions. Legal consequences loomed on the horizon, threatening to strip away the illusion of control that I had so meticulously crafted.

Sarah wasn't willing to be a character in my twisted narrative any longer. She became the protagonist in her own story, one of resilience and justice. 

However, despite Sarah's unwavering determination to seek justice, her attempts were met with one roadblock after another. She hired a forensics detective who promised to track me down, but he turned out to be a fraud who swindled her for thousands of dollars. The lawyers she consulted demanded exorbitant upfront fees, making justice feel like a privilege accessible only to the affluent.

Frustrated and desperate, Sarah reported the situation to the FBI, hoping for federal intervention. However, the agents seemed disinterested unless there was a clear financial scam involved. Cybercrimes, it appeared, were a low priority unless they had a direct impact on the victim's bank account.

Even the advocates she reached out to for help in dealing with stalking and cyber crimes offered little solace. Prosecuting such cases, they explained, was nearly impossible unless it involved the criminal posting explicit content of the victim, a stark and disheartening truth.

In the face of a seemingly impenetrable system, Sarah found herself contemplating drastic measures. She began to break every rule set forth for being a "good" victim. Rather than adhering to the advice of staying silent and unresponsive, she engaged with me, attempting to provoke a reaction. Her hope was to make me so irate that I would slip up, leaving behind a trail of evidence that could finally unravel the twisted mess and bring an end to her torment.

Desperation led her to respond to my sinister requests. I asked her to send me a nude photo, and she did. I know she was hoping I would post it up somewhere and she could take her evidence to that fancy law firm in NYC that specializes in revenge porn cases, but I'm not that stupid. It was a calculated risk, a gamble on the chance that the world might finally stop blaming her for the crimes I was committing against her. Sarah's defiance in the face of injustice painted a chilling picture of the lengths one might go to when the system fails to protect them.

As the cycle of victimization continued, Sarah clung to the belief that some form of justice, no matter how unorthodox, would eventually prevail. Now a darker game was being played, one where the lines between predator and prey began to blur.
