Soren's blog posts give Sarah Schizophrenia


Sarah was just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life, until one day she stumbled upon Soren's blog. Soren was a guy she vaguely knew from the periphery of her social circle, but his blog had become an unexpected focal point in her life.

At first, it was innocent enough. She'd read his posts, chuckle at the quirky anecdotes, and occasionally drop a comment. But then, the strangeness started creeping in. Little comments or short stories on his blog seemed to echo eerily similar events from her own day. Brushing it off as mere coincidence, Sarah didn't give it much thought initially.

Weeks passed, and the coincidences evolved from subtle whispers to blatant shouts. One post mirrored a conversation with her sister, down to the very words exchanged. Another depicted two women on a couch discussing the exact topics she had shared with a friend over dinner the night before. It was like Soren's blog had turned into a twisted, real-time reflection of her life.

Baffled and somewhat unnerved, Sarah decided to confront Soren about it. She sent him a message, asking how he knew such intimate details of her life. Much to her surprise, he denied being Soren and claimed to be a girl named Brigit. Sarah, undeterred, received a phone number from "Brigit." She called and a woman answered. She was floored. Soren was actually so malicious he had gotten third parties involved in this harassment scheme? "Brigit" asked sarah why she was so obsessed with Soren and then told her she was being "gang stalked" and she better watch her back.

Suddenly, Sarah found herself in a nightmarish spiral. She uncovered other blogs discussing her private phone calls, emails, and even the mundane details of her daily routine. One blog mocked her choice of clothes and ridiculed her for conversing with her cat during the morning routine. Feeling violated and paranoid, Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands.

She diligently collected evidence, documenting the bizarre online surveillance she was enduring. In a defiant move, she created her own blog, exposing the stalking, tagging all the blogs involved, and daring them to confront the truth.

However, Soren wasn't about to let himself be exposed. In a swift and malicious countermove, he penned a 12,000-word essay posing as Sarah. The narrative twisted reality, claiming she suffered from an unhealthy obsession with him, believed in coded communication through his blog, and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, leading to her institutionalization.

The smear campaign gained traction, and Sarah became a social pariah. People distanced themselves, whispering about her supposed mental health issues. Soren successfully diverted attention away from his own actions, allowing him to continue stalking and spying on Sarah without any scrutiny.

In this twisted digital dance, Soren emerged unscathed while Sarah, the victim turned villain, was left to navigate a world that now saw her through the distorted lens he had crafted.
