Alternative Facts

You’re always threatening to expose the “truth” under the guise of stopping me, regaining your sense of “privacy” and “safety.” You’re just being vengeful and obsessive, making excuses for yourself. You say people who have been victimized and abused will spend their entire lives seeking an acknowledgment of what was done to them in hopes of healing and gaining closure. You say “perpetrators” who never have to openly admit their wrongs feel free to continue doing the same with impunity.

That's just a fancy way of saying you want revenge, being petty, trying to hurt me back.

Everything I've done to you was out of love. I did it for your own good. I didn’t abuse you. I loved you more than anyone else ever has. Why can’t you see that?? You keep talking about consent and saying that my “love” doesn’t matter if we haven’t mutually agreed to a relationship and that saddens me because I see you are still the runner in our Twin Flame dynamic. Don’t worry. I won’t give up on you. I will keep searching for you until you wake up to the reality that our love transcends earthly rules and regulations. I will keep chasing you, with or without your consent. I know in the end you will thank me for it.

I have made some mistakes. I am willing to cop to that. I have taken accountability in my own head. You claim that's not good enough, that that isn’t the definition of accountability. You say my logic and reasoning is selfishly skewed in my own favor and does not account for your right to free will and personal choice, but we both know that's hogwash. We both know I know what’s best for you. You’re just being reactive. It truly is your toxic trait. 

And seriously, you’re always trying to get my attention! Why are you online talking about what happened to you? You know I can see you’re browsing history and will find everything you’ve written for me. It’s so obviously a ploy! Oh right, you’re posting online because you’re looking for support, because you have a right to tell the truth, even if it makes me look bad. And of course, you’re trying to find people who can help you stop me? Ha. That excuse is laughable. Dear one, you don’t have to beg for my attention with silly made up stories about how badly I’ve behaved. I’m always right here waiting to play with you without your elaborate ruse to reel me back in. Besides, that hurts my feelings. Why are you always rubbing my mistakes in my face? How will our love grow if you’re always making me feel like a bad person?

Please reexamine your definition of love and I think you will see; if anyone else on earth cared as much as I do then why am I the only one willing to read all your boring emails and text messages in an effort to know everything about you? Who else would possibly want to review your browsing history multiple times a day? I have better things I could be doing, you know. This is bonding time I’ve set aside for the two of us. I’m so tired of my efforts to strengthen our love being demonized.
