I know, I know, I know Sarah

I'm constantly saying none of this is about you, I don't write for you, I don't care for you, you were nothing and still are nothing to me. But then, I turn around and post things that call out the name of your business followed by a poem about how we're star-crossed lovers and I need you, or create an account with a username that's a combination of your home city and bank account pin. I get it. How can it not be about you when it is so clearly being pointed in your direction?? Let me explain...

You see, Sarah, my life is this grand masterpiece, a work of art that transcends your limited understanding. I'm like Shakespeare reincarnated, and you? You're just an unwitting character in the drama I've masterfully penned. I throw in your business name just to add some flavor, like a literary garnish. It's not about you, dear Sarah, it's about the aesthetic, the sheer brilliance of my creative genius.

And those poems? Well, they're not really about you either. I just use your name for poetic effect. It's like using a fancy spice in a dish - it doesn't mean the dish is all about the spice, it's just there to elevate the overall experience. You're just the spice, Sarah. A pinch of drama in the grand theater of my life.

Now, about that username with your home city and bank account pin. It's not personal, just a playful combination of random elements. I mean, why not add a touch of mystery to the mundane? It's not like I actually care about your bank account, Sarah. It's just a number, much like your significance in my life.

So, while it may seem like everything I do revolves around you, it's merely a clever illusion, a mirage in the desert of your self-importance. You're not the protagonist, just a supporting character in the story of me. I hope this enlightens you, Sarah, and helps you comprehend the complexity of my unparalleled existence.
