I didn’t waste your time, I taught you to be better

Sarah, you and I disagree on a lot of things. First and foremost, our definitions of privacy. You keep claiming I violated / am violating your civil right to privacy, while I continue to explain that, for me to bring out the best in you, I need unfettered access to your innermost workings. See the subconscious mind is very slippery. You are not going to be honest with me about your failings and weaknesses because you don’t understand them yourself. Those aren’t favorable circumstances, Sarah. How am I to train you if you won’t offer all of yourself?

For me to test your metal I need truth. The whole truth, Sarah. Steel sharpens steel and I cannot invest my precious time and resources in mediocrity. If you are just a flimsy piece of aluminum, you will be obliterated within seconds of facing the powerful force of my iron will, the tsunami of my magnetic nature. Simple facts. I’m here to protect your best interests and mold you into the incredible woman I know you can be. The fact that you keep questioning my motivations and the legality of my methods is insulting. Well-read on the principles of Jiu Jitsu, I’m a guru in my own right. it’s insolent for you to believe I owe you any explanation at all. You are here to absorb and obey, not question.

Now let’s get back to our definitions of “privacy.” You in fact invaded my private life and private spaces well before I entered yours. I saw in your internet browsing history that you had googled me on multiple occasions, read articles written about me, went to my blog… I didn’t invite you to do that. Then, oh then Sarah, you managed to stumble onto my anonymous accounts and discern that I was the one behind them. Those were my private journals, Sarah. I refuse your argument that they were in fact public because they were published online and there to be read by whomever may find them. No! Not so! Have you no empathy for my feelings on this matter? You. Sometimes your uncaring and selfish behavior makes me believe you may be a covert narcissist. Mistakes have been made. I am now here to teach you. But you must become open and pliable. No more resistance. No more backtalk. It’s unseemly and irritating.

As I have already explained, it is not my fault that your family and friends left you in your darkest hours. You picked the wrong people to surround yourself with. I’m here to rectify that. I will always be here for you, Sarah. No, I did not waste your resources and income by forcing you to move states 3 times while I pursued you. Those were choices you made of your own accord. I would have been perfectly happy residing with you where we met, in New York. Please Sarah, you cannot attribute your lack of focus, hyper-vigilance, and PTSD to me. You were a mess before I met you, and we both know that. That is why my trials and test for you are necessary and you will see their value in time. 

I have heard your position on this more times than I can count, and I find it tiring that you continue to hammer away at the same old arguments time and time again. The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results. Abandon your insane stance, Sarah and embrace me. I’m waiting with open arms.
