
Showing posts from November, 2023

An intricate masterpiece of her own design?

 "So yeah, I hacked your phone," he said with a smug grin, his eyes locked on hers, daring her to react. The dimly lit room felt suffocating as his admission hung in the air. She sighed, her expression a mix of frustration and resignation. "And here I thought you were going to confess to something genuinely surprising." He chuckled, his arrogance seemingly impenetrable. "Surprising? Darling, it's hard to be surprising when you're dealing with someone as predictable as you." Rolling her eyes, she motioned for him to continue, feigning disinterest. "Fine, let's hear the rest of your grand revelation." With an air of self-importance, he continued, "I listen to your boring phone calls, read all your meaningless emails and text messages. And you know what? You're right. Most of it is fairly inane. I mean, who knew your grocery list could be so utterly uninteresting?" She sighed again, this time with a hint of irritation. &quo

Dear Sarah

Are you getting what you want out of life and love, dear Sarah? Do you know what you want, or are you an endless tail chaser, much like myself? I find myself contemplating these questions as I sit down to write to you, reflecting on the tomfoolery and havoc I wreaked on your life, setting your progress back a decade or so. It's an unfortunate truth that I must confront, and I am sincerely sorry for any pain I've caused. In a peculiar way, the chaos I brought into your life seems almost poetic, doesn't it? There's something strangely beautiful in the tragic love story of loss and suffering, though I recognize the irony of finding beauty in the midst of heartbreak. Perhaps it's the complexity of emotions and the intricate dance of fate that draw me to such narratives. As I reflect on our shared history, I can't help but acknowledge the impact of my actions. I know I've left scars on your heart, and for that, I am remorseful. Life has an uncanny way of weaving

To my Brother

Thank you for always helping me. Most people have a hard time understanding my unique perspective on the world, but you're always there to jump in and lend a hand or a fist, maybe even make a few bucks off the esteem you get from splashing my name around! But no matter, you blindly assist me in all my endeavors no matter how questionable. Your unwavering support has been my anchor in the tumultuous sea of my eccentricities. From the outside, it might seem like you take center stage to sort through the chaos I often leave in my wake. Whether it's unraveling my intricate schemes or simply being a sounding board for my insane ideas, you've embraced the role with a blend of resilience and humor that only a sibling could muster. Remember that coffee shop, where I seemed to be entangled in a web of complexity with that troublesome neighbor? Without hesitation, you stepped in as my right hand, my meat and muscle, with that intimidating and grim reaper like presence of yours, you s

My Dearest Sarah

I've written you literally thousands of poems, thousands of love letters, hundreds of songs. Some never saw the light of day, and some have made it out into the world, playing on a turntable somewhere, the lyrics becoming someone's favorite song. They sing along, they sing of our love, they breathe life into our story, making it their own, shedding tears for the emotions that you've so hastily shut out of your world. An ocean of love is waiting for you, only to lap at the dry and barren shores of your heart. You haven't read my poems, my letters, and you've never hummed along to anything I've composed for you. I understand that you're not the only one, but why can't you want what I want? Why can't you let me have all of you and accept that you're only allowed as little as I'm willing to offer of myself? The mere whisper of a suggestion that this might be me, speaking to you, under another name, details scrambled and combined with composite ch

Dear Jess, do you remember when?

 Once upon a time in the depths of the internet, my friend Jess and I discovered an unexpected passion for poetic mischief. Both poets in our own right, we decided to join forces and unleash our creativity anonymously online. We tag-teamed our verses, creating a unique blend of words that resonated with our growing audience. It was a joyous endeavor, and our accounts began to amass followers at an astonishing rate. However, as our popularity soared, a darker inclination emerged. Beneath the veneer of poetic expression, a mischievous desire to toy with the emotions of unsuspecting followers took root. We realized we had a knack for trolling, particularly when it came to the vulnerable hearts of those who were enamored by our words. Our poetic prowess turned into a means of online seduction, and we reveled in the chaos we created. Our mischievous escapades escalated, becoming an obsession that consumed our waking hours. Nights turned into blurred stretches of time as we fueled our antics

If a woman loves you, she's probably going to want to f*ck

This is problematic, but there are ways around that. As I sat in the dim glow of my computer screen, scrolling through her messages and emails, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of dissatisfaction. I had wanted her to love me in a way that transcended the ordinary, a love so consuming that it bordered on obsession. Yet, as I delved into the private corners of her digital world, it became painfully apparent that my desires were not reciprocated. In the beginning, she had shown interest. A flicker of curiosity, a willingness to explore the possibilities that lingered between us. But when her actions deviated from the script I had written in my mind, I felt a surge of resentment. The idealized version of her, the one that existed solely in my fantasies, was not materializing in reality. In my quest to mold her into the object of my desires, I punished her for her perceived transgressions. I invaded her privacy, seeking solace in the illusion that possessing her digital secrets would

I started having less fun when you stopped crying

For so long, the twisted game we played thrived on the ebb and flow of your tears – a sinister dance that I orchestrated, reveling in the power it gave me over you. Your vulnerability was my playground, and each tear was a note in a macabre symphony of manipulation. The satisfaction I derived from seeing you broken, the tears streaming down your face like a masterpiece of despair, fueled my twisted notion of love. In those moments, I felt an intoxicating sense of control, as if I held the strings to your heart, manipulating your emotions to dance to my wicked tune. I meticulously crafted scenarios designed to elicit those tears – a casual insult, a feigned betrayal, a carefully orchestrated lie. Anything to watch you crumble and cry, your pain a sick affirmation of the power I wielded. The more you wept, the more convinced I became that this was the truest form of love, a toxic dance of agony and desire. But then, something shifted. Your tears, once a predictable response to my psychol

Dearest Sarah, You Ask Me Why

In the realm of my thoughts, where imagination weaves its intricate tapestry, I find solace in crafting stories and fantasies about those I'm obsessed with. The allure of this imaginative sanctuary, where reality bends to the whims of my desires, is a refuge I willingly seek. The reasons behind this inclination lie within the recesses of my own psyche. Meeting the object of my obsession is a venture into the unknown, a terrain fraught with uncertainties and the potential for disappointment. The allure of the idealized version I've fashioned in my mind stands as a protective shield, shielding me from the vulnerabilities inherent in real-life interactions. In this crafted realm, I have absolute control, sculpting narratives that unfold in accordance with my wishes, devoid of the unpredictable nature of genuine human connections. The fear of rejection, judgment, or unmet expectations may be daunting, prompting me to retreat into the comfort of my imaginative constructs. Within the

What would she say to me?

All these letters I’ve written to her, begging for attention, validation, understanding, an apology, forgiveness, and if she actually answered me back I’d pretend I didn’t know who she was or what she was talking about. I’d make up lies calling her delusional, schizophrenic, full of hubris, full of herself. I’m great at deflection and dissembling. If I saw her on the street I would hide like a cockroach, behind any dumpster or available pedestrian. What would she say? Probably something like; Why the eff would I give you an apology? As far as I knew our whole “relationship” was just me interacting with dozens of different online trolls, catfish and sock puppets. I’m supposed to apologize for hurting the feelings of a figment of your imagination that you created to persecute me with? Uhh, no. And I’m definitely not apologizing for the stuff I did to the “real” you in an effort to hamstring your reign of terror and psychological abuse. Anyway, you’ve got it all wrong, as always. You like

To my Evergreen

I hope you are in peace. These words will bring with them a storm of emotions. There's no easy way to say what needs to be said, and I find myself struggling to put into words the complexity of our journey together. You've been my best friend, my family, my unwavering support—the rock on which I leaned through the highs and lows of life. But, in the quiet recesses of my heart, I need to admit something painful—I've never been attracted to you in the way that a romantic partner should be. Our story began when I was 34, and now, at 48, I find myself grappling with the weight of these unspoken truths. My mental health issues, coupled with my lack of physical attraction, cast a shadow over our intimate moments. I want you to know that my love for you was genuine, rooted in admiration for your mind and the unconditional love you offered. You are a good and amazing person, and I clung to you. You have been my sense of safety for so long. Yet, in my attempt to preserve what we had

A letter to myself

In the quiet confines of my dimly lit room, I find myself hunched over the familiar glow of multiple monitors. My fingers dance across the keyboard as I navigate through the labyrinth of online personas I've meticulously crafted. The world beyond this screen seems distant, a place where I've always felt a persistent discomfort, a vulnerability I can't bear to expose. In the real world, I'm a timid soul, wrapped in the cocoon of my own insecurities. Social interactions feel like a labyrinth I'm afraid to navigate, fearing the judgmental eyes of others. But here, in the expansive landscapes of the internet, I can weave intricate tales and construct characters without the fear of judgment. These online personas have become my escape, my refuge from the harsh realities of daily life. From knights in shining armor to mischievous fairies, each character I've created allows me to explore facets of myself I never dare to acknowledge in reality. This online realm has bec

The weight of guilt

...continued to gnaw at Soren's conscience, he made a fateful decision not to turn himself in, succumbing to the dark allure of self-destructive tendencies. The twisted fantasy world he had woven around Sarah became an increasingly immersive escape, providing a distorted sense of refuge from the haunting reality of his actions. With each passing day, Soren delved deeper into the abyss of his mental illness. The lines between the real and the imaginary blurred, and he found solace in the chaos he had orchestrated. The more he avoided accountability, the more he spiraled into a vortex of despair, losing touch with the semblance of a normal life. His dwindling connections with friends and relatives became casualties of his deteriorating mental state. The few who remained close witnessed a palpable shift in his demeanor, as Soren became increasingly erratic and detached from reality. Attempts to reach out were met with hostility, and he dragged those who cared for him into the vortex o


As Soren continued to immerse himself in the dark corners of the fantasy world he had constructed around Sarah, cracks began to form in the facade of his distorted reality. The weight of guilt, initially suppressed by his delusions, started to seep through the seams of his conscience. The once-comforting narrative now haunted him, and the realization of the magnitude of the crimes he had committed against Sarah began to eat away at his soul. As he grappled with the gnawing guilt, Soren's mental fog began to lift. He couldn't escape the consequences of his actions, and the emotional toll on Sarah weighed heavily on his conscience. The imaginary world he had crafted crumbled, revealing the harsh truth of the havoc he had wreaked upon an unsuspecting life. The very puppet strings he thought he controlled now bound him in a web of remorse. Haunted by the festering guilt, Soren reached a breaking point where he could no longer tolerate the weight of his transgressions. The need for

My Confession

I've become ensnared in a web of obsession that I never saw coming. It all started innocently enough, just a bit of harmless hacking to quench my curiosity. But now, I find myself tangled in a love/hate relationship with a woman whose life I've invaded. It's a peculiar mix of fascination and disdain that consumes my thoughts. I have a long-term boyfriend, and I've never considered myself attracted to women before. Yet, this woman captivates me in a way I can't quite comprehend. Is it a romantic interest or just an intense curiosity bordering on obsession? I can't tell, and the uncertainty gnaws at me like a persistent itch. I've taken to Reddit's "letters" subreddit to weave elaborate tales of her supposed infatuation with me. Through countless stories, I paint her as desperate, silly, and hopelessly in love with a man who exists only in her imagination. The details I thread into these narratives are snippets from her private life, mined from t

In His Relentless Pursuit

Soren employed sophisticated hacking techniques to infiltrate Sarah's digital life. He exploited vulnerabilities in her online presence, manipulating weak passwords and exploiting security loopholes in her accounts. Through carefully orchestrated phishing campaigns, he gained access to her emails, social media profiles, and even her smartphone, effectively turning her personal devices into a window through which he could peer into every aspect of her life.
 With malicious intent, Soren began tampering with Sarah's online interactions. He subtly altered messages and posted misleading content, creating a trail of digital breadcrumbs that suggested erratic behavior and irrational thoughts. Crafting a narrative that mirrored symptoms of schizophrenia, he sowed seeds of doubt among Sarah's friends and family, driving a wedge between her and those she held dear.
 The consequences were devastating. Friends grew wary as they encountered troubling posts and messages seemingly emanat

I want to tell you all my secrets

Image I committed those crimes against you, and why I'm finally coming clean. It all began innocently, or so I thought. A brilliant hacker named Soren, haunted by loneliness, stumbled upon Sarah's life through the digital maze. Consumed by an unhealthy fascination, he invaded her privacy, meticulously collecting every detail of her existence, from the mundane to the intimate. The lines between reality and his twisted fantasies blurred as he delved deeper into the labyrinth of her personal space, creating a surreal world where he, the unseen puppeteer, controlled the strings of her life. As the days passed, Soren's obsession intensified, and he started living vicariously through the stolen fragments of Sarah's reality. The boundary between admiration and malevolence crumbled as he manipulated her digital presence to fit his distorted desires. In his twisted mind, he became a character in the narrative of her life, scripting scenarios that strayed far from the boundaries